Yup, this again. This is actual label art from a Michigan-based brewery called Odd Side Ales. As you can see, this particular Asian-themed offering is called "OH ME SO HOPPY TO WHEAT YOU," with the description "A derisious wheat ale with a hoppy finish that lingers long time!"
I'm sure somebody thought they were being real clever when they came up with this... no harm intended! But it's just the usual tired Oriental schtick. Let me guess: you have Asian friends, and they think it's hi-lar-ious.
And it's not just me. Others have apparently objected to this brew too. One Michigan retailer pulled the beer from its shelves in response to customer complaints about the name. Odd Side Ales left a Facebook comment with the usual "sorry you were offended" non-apology and promised to "make some changes" to the label, whatever that means, when they brew it again next year. How about right now?
Again, for future reference, phrases that need to die: "me so horny" and "love you long time."