According to, James Gray will write and direct the contemporary crime drama White Devil, the story of a white orphan who is adopted into a Chinese family and rises through the ranks to the top of Boston's Chinese Mafia. Seriously. And I'm sure he gets to romance a few Asian ladies along the way.
In one of its first alignments with a major filmmaker under its new regime, Warner Bros has set James Gray to write and direct White Devil, a contemporary drama that is eyed as a priority project. It's the story of a white orphan who is adopted into a Chinese family, and who rises to the top of the Chinese Mafia in Boston. This might sound far-fetched, but there is a similar case on trial in Massachusetts with similar circumstances involving a drug-trafficking conspiracy centered around Asian organized crime. Steven Kane and Matthew Valentinas are exec producers.At least there will plenty of opportunities for supporting Asian roles. Yay. Chinese Henchman #4, you're up.
Thank goodness. I've said this many, many times before, and it still applies. Say it with me, won't you? Hollywood can make a movie set anywhere in the world, in any era of history... and still somehow find a way for the movie to star a white guy. Next stop, the criminal underworld of Boston's Chinatown. Starring a white guy.
Also see: Coming Soon: White-Guy-as-Yakuza drama The Outsider
And: Leonardo DiCaprio to star as Japan-trained assassin in Satori