
White Guy rises to the top of the Chinese Mafia in White Devil

Because white movie heroes are always better at being Asian than other Asians.

You've got to be kidding me. If you just can't get enough movies about white guys in exotic, awesome places, you can look forward to the white-dude-in-Chinatown thriller White Devil, courtesy of the fine folks at Warner Brothers: Warner Bros Sets James Gray For Boston Crime Thriller 'White Devil.'

According to Deadline.com, James Gray will write and direct the contemporary crime drama White Devil, the story of a white orphan who is adopted into a Chinese family and rises through the ranks to the top of Boston's Chinese Mafia. Seriously. And I'm sure he gets to romance a few Asian ladies along the way.

In one of its first alignments with a major filmmaker under its new regime, Warner Bros has set James Gray to write and direct White Devil, a contemporary drama that is eyed as a priority project. It's the story of a white orphan who is adopted into a Chinese family, and who rises to the top of the Chinese Mafia in Boston. This might sound far-fetched, but there is a similar case on trial in Massachusetts with similar circumstances involving a drug-trafficking conspiracy centered around Asian organized crime. Steven Kane and Matthew Valentinas are exec producers.
At least there will plenty of opportunities for supporting Asian roles. Yay. Chinese Henchman #4, you're up.

Thank goodness. I've said this many, many times before, and it still applies. Say it with me, won't you? Hollywood can make a movie set anywhere in the world, in any era of history... and still somehow find a way for the movie to star a white guy. Next stop, the criminal underworld of Boston's Chinatown. Starring a white guy.

Also see: Coming Soon: White-Guy-as-Yakuza drama The Outsider

And: Leonardo DiCaprio to star as Japan-trained assassin in Satori

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