First, read this hilarious piece she wrote that went up today. If you're someone who has decried the fact that there is a Black History Month, but no White History Month, then this piece is for you. Kristina hears your pain: 8 Reasons People Of Color MUST Rally For A Long Overdue "White History Month."
Now, set your DVRs or make plans to be in front of the tube at 11:00pm tonight to see our homegirl. If you haven't seen Totally Biased, it's easily one of my favorite shows on TV, regularly offering sharp, funny and much-needed commentary on race and politics for these tumultuous times. Now on five nights a week.
The segment has been taped, and according to her Facebook post, Kristina promises that she "did some shit that might not have been ok with the FCC." Can't wait. For more from Kristina Wong, check out her website.