CAPAL's internship and scholarship programs are great opportunities for students to gain exposure and real-world experience in government and public service and to receive funding for their internships. The programs also include weekly leadership seminars, networking opportunities, and individual mentorship.
Here are some more details about the programs:
Federal InternshipsThe early consideration deadline is February 14. The regular deadline is March 7. I know a lot of great, motivated, qualified students who would probably be great for one of these internships. And you get paid. So get on this. For further information, and to apply, go to the CAPAL website.
CAPAL's Federal Internship Program places students in internships within the federal government in Washington, DC. Opportunities in regional offices, including California, Texas, and Wisconsin, may also be possible. These internship positions are open to ALL MAJORS and are suited for individuals looking to gain real-world federal government experience. Depending on interests and placement, intern duties could vary and may include policy or scientific research, project coordination and management, business, law, communication, and more. Applicants are asked to specify their preferences on the application, and those selected will be placed based on their interests and skills. These internships are suitable for all students interested in government and public policy.
CAPAL will also mentor all interns and provide guidance in transitioning to Washington, D.C. including how to locate housing, how to navigate the city, and how to make the best of their summer in the nation’s capital.
Public Service Scholarships
CAPAL's Public Service Scholarship Program awards scholarships to undergraduate or graduate students who will be serving in unpaid public service internships (nonprofit or government) this summer in the Washington, DC metropolitan region. The scholarships are intended to enable outstanding students with leadership potential to work full-time and learn about ways to influence public policy in their local communities and the APA community. Recipients of the CAPAL scholarships are responsible for securing their own public service internships.
CAPAL will also mentor all scholars and provide guidance in transitioning to Washington, D.C. including how to locate housing, how to navigate the city, and how to make the best of their summer in the nation’s capital.