I recently heard from my friend Julie Park, assistant professor of education at the University of Maryland, who is looking for research participants in the DC/Maryland/Virginia or Los Angeles/Orange County area to participate in a study on second generation Korean and Chinese American parents and their approach to education and child-rearing for their "third gen" children.
Here are some more details on the study and who is eligible to participate:
Researchers at the University of Maryland, College Park are interested in learning how “second gen" Korean and Chinese American parents approach education and child-rearing for their “third gen" children. We are looking for people who fit the following criteria to participate in a one-time interview: 1) Your parents are immigrants and you were born in the U.S. or immigrated before age 7 2) You are of Korean or Chinese descent 3) You have at least one child over the age of 6 4) You reside in the DC metro (DC/MD/VA) or LA/OC area.If you fit the bill and are open to being interviewed, contact Julie Park at aaccstudy@gmail.com.
We'd like to understand your experiences as a parent, your memories of your own experiences with education, and reflections on education in the Asian American community. You will receive a $10 gift card for participating in an hour long interview. If you are open to being interviewed and/or have questions, please contact Assistant Professor Julie Park at aaccstudy@gmail.com. Thank you!