Video: Were iPhone 6 Mega Lines Taken Over By Chinese Mafia? So there were a lot of Chinese people in line to buy an iPhone. So what? F*ck this video, which claims that last week's debut of the iPhone 6 was somehow ruined by a consumer conspiracy allegedly orchestrated by the "Chinese Mafia." Yeah, sure, blame the Chinese for taking all the fun out of the ridiculous ritual of standing in line all night to buy a new phone. Oh, and bonus asshole points to the cops for shoving that woman to the ground.
An Ethnicity Conversation Your Adoptive Child Wants You to Have: Transnational adoptee Elizabeth Connolly on an essential conversation adoptive parents should have: "It is presumptuous, if not insulting, to assume that all transnational adoptees identify with their home countries just because they were born there or look a certain way. For many people, especially transnational, transracial adoptees ethnicity does not necessarily correlate with race or ancestry."
The Unbelievable Case of Teresa Blau Kursman, a Pathological Photo Stealer Who Just Doesn't Stop: "There are stories of fauxtographers stealing photos and claiming them as their own, and then there is this: the true-but-unbelievable saga of Teresa Blau Kursman, a photographer and designer who went above and beyond any photo stealing case you're likely to ever come across."
Ray Rice Video Prompts Asian Americans to Break Silence on Abuse: After the video of Ray Rice assaulting his then-fiancee was released, private stories of domestic abuse emerged on Twitter under the hashtags #WhyIStayed and #WhyILeft. Among those voices are those of Asian Americans, who have often been silenced due to cultural or societal pressures.
Meet The Brady Bunch, Asian-American style - courtesy of photographer Michael Jang: Commercial photographer Michael Jang's latest exhibition isn't about the celebrities he usually photographs, but of his extended quirky extended family, who he visited in the 1970s.
Growing up Nisei: The social clubs of Japanese-American girls: A look back at what social clubs were for Nisei girls in the 1940s, and the attempts to collect and archive these stories as members age.
FCAT reading exam trips up Chinese student: Chinese American student Jiaqi Chu finished 12th grade with 3.6 GPA and cum-laude honors, but missed passing the English portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test by one point -- barring him from earning his high school diploma.
A 15-Year-Old Came Up With a Really Smart Invention for Keeping Alzheimer's Patients Safe: Meet Kenneth Shinozuka, winner of the Scientific American Science in Action Award, who came up with an awesome invention to help with the difficult task of taking care of a relative with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia.
Awkwafina is changing hip-hop one vulgar, hilarious lyric at a time: An interview on the "Asian American" label with Awkwafina, the 26-year-old rapper from NYC whose song "My Vag" launched her into stardom.
What's it like to feed the most powerful man in the world? In this segment of CNN's Leading Women, White House chef Cristeta Comerford talks about what it's like to feed the president and his family.
From Lawyer To Novelist: An Interview with Helen Wan, Author Of The Partner Track: An interview with lawyer Helen Wan, whose debut novel The Partner Track, is now available in paperback.
True Story Inspires Web Series Tackling Undocumented Teen Life: Annie Undocumented is a new web series based on a true story that stars Chinese American actress Nikki SooHoo as a teenager who discovers she's not a legal American citizen when she attempts to get her driver's license.
20 Years Later, Margaret Cho Looks Back on 'All-American Girl': Margaret Cho reflects on the monumental (and controversial) sitcom All-American Girl, 20 years after its primetime debut on ABC.
Lynn Chen: Defining moments as an actor: An awesome profile on actor/blogger/activist Lynn Chen, tracing her highs and lows as a performer, her struggles with eating disorders, and finding peace in her life and career.
Actor Tzi Ma in "Satisfaction" and "24": If you watch TV or movies, chances are, you've seen Tzi Ma, whose resume in the entertainment industry spans over 30 years. CAAM interviews him about his career.
What It's Like to Be an Asian American Actress Trying to Make It in TV: Actor Tess Paras's YouTube video "Typecast," set to Lorde's "Royals," highlights her struggles as an actor of color trying to make it in TV.