Happy New Year. The last 365 days were pretty darn crazy on many levels. I can't remember the last time I was so relieved to put a year to bed. Onward. I am looking forward to new adventures and challenges in 2015. For now, let me express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the awesome parts of 2014.
Thank you to the wonderful, incredible supporters of this blog. Back in July, I laid it all out and asked for your help to keep this blog running. To all the great folks who stepped up and chipped in with a donation -- especially those who signed on as monthly sustaining donors -- this blogger's heart swells with gratitude.
Thank you to all the student and community organizations that extended invitations to me to speak at their campuses and conferences in the last year. I met a lot of great people, including folks at the University of Washington, Penn APALSA, NYU, UCLA, University of Iowa, CU-Boulder, University of Michigan, Swarthmore, MAASU, UNC Charlotte, University of Missouri, UIC, Vassar, UT Austin, University of Pittsburgh, USC, AAAS, V3, AAJA, J Leadership Camp, Jubilee Project, OCA and Advancing Justice. I had a blast sharing and eating with you all, and I hope our paths cross again.
Thank you to everyone watched the freshman season of our web talk show Angry Asian America on ISAtv. Huge thanks to all the guests that rolled through, and much love to my co-host Jenny Yang, producer Dan Matthews, and our excellent crew who helped put every episode together.
Thank you to everyone who listened to my audio podcast Sound and Fury, and the handful of guests who sat down with me to chat. It's a labor of love. I know we only produced three shows this year -- thanks to Tze, Parry and Ursula -- but I'm hoping to get a lot more episodes under our belt in the new year. Stay tuned.
Thank you to the great folks at the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience in Seattle, which invited me to write the main exhibit text for Do You Know Bruce?, their landmark special exhibition on the life and legacy of Bruce Lee. It was an honor to have a part in creating the experience.
Thank you to the curators at the Newseum, in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, which included Angry Asian Man as part of its "One Nation With News for All" exhibit on ethnic news media -- with my photo and everything! It was a huge honor to be a part of such an important, fascinating exhibit.
Thank you to everyone who attended a screening of National Film Society's action/comedy webseries Awesome Asian Bad Guys. I served on the project as executive producer, and had the greatest time watching it with multiple film festival audiences over the last year. Everybody else, get ready! You'll get to watch it soon!
Thank you to the handful of media outlets that interviewed me this year for one reason or another, including NBC News and the The Mash-up Americans. But biggest to thanks goes to the Korea Daily, which was a Really Big Deal for my parents. In their eyes, pretty much the most legit thing I've ever done.
Thank you to Jennifer Sanderson and the Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment for including me as part of their documentary webseries, the CAPE #IAm Campaign for AAPI Heritage Month.
Thank you to Cara, our intrepid Angry Asian Intern, for her excellent continued contributions to this blog.
Thank you to John Chung, who heads up the Asian American Ad Network. If you'd like to advertise on Angry Asian Man, get in touch with Johnny C and he'll get you sorted out with some banner space.
Thank you to Disoriented Comedy and all my fellow co-presenters of Family Reunion, our monthly storytelling show, every fourth Thursday at Echoes Under Sunset. Thank you to everyone who took the stage to share a story, and thank you to everyone who has packed the house at every show.
Thank you, good friends of NIWR. Thank you for the safe space.
Thank you to the staff, board and supporters of Visual Communications, whose important work continues to create opportunities and provide resources for up-and-coming Asian Pacific American filmmakers to tell their stories. Thank you for your partnership. Here's to more exciting collaborations in the coming year.
Thank you to Sallie Mae, for funding my undergraduate education so many, many years ago. Many monthly installments later, I made my last loan payment in March. May this be the end of our relationship forever.
Thank you to the San Francisco Giants for winning the World Series -- the team's third championship in five years. To this lifelong fan, it's like a dream. Special props to Travis Ishikawa, whose walk-off three-run home run clinched the National League pennant and cemented his status as one of my favorite people ever.
Thank you to true community. As I said, onward.