Meet Cindy Moon, aka Silk, the newest webslinging spider-superhero from Marvel Comics. She is Asian American, powered by the same radioactive arachnid that gave Peter Parker his spider-abilities, and the star of her very own monthly comic book. Silk #1, by Robbie Thompson and Stacey Lee, hit shelves last week.
Silk has created quite a buzz since her first appearance last year in the pages Amazing Spider-Man #4. So check this. If you're a serious collector, the issue's original artwork by Humberto Ramos -- every page, signed -- is now for sale in its entirety on eBay. Awesome. But it will cost you $50,000. That's about $2500 a page.
Own The Complete Original Artwork For The First Appearance Of Silk In Amazing Spider-Man #4
Here are a few pages from the batch:
Got $50,000 to spare? Buy the one-of-kind spider-art here.