Behold, Haters and Lovers of Donald J. Trump. What in the hell did I just watch?
The latest video from Mike Diva, simply titled "Japanese Donald Trump Commercial" is a nightmarish neon apocalyptic Japanese fever dream of robots and nukes and fascist iconography, starring your favorite presumptive Republican presidential nominee. It is equal parts beautiful, kawaii and terrifying as fuck.
Take a look:
Mike Diva calls it a commercial for his "senpai" -- future world president Donald Trump.
I made a commercial for my senpai - future world president Donald Trump トランプ2016 https://t.co/YyrD2rQuiv pic.twitter.com/TXE5ctTakG
— ◢ M I K E D I V A ◣ (@Mikediva) June 15, 2016
Is Mike Diva a time traveler? Because this feels like a warning from the future.