Hello, everyone! It's about that time to do this thing we call the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Amy Anderson.
Who are you?
Hi! I'm Amy Anderson. You may have seen me doing stand up in a live show or on various cable networks, acting a very small role on a network TV show or commercial, or in the frozen aisle at a Trader Joe's near you.
What are you?
I'm an actor, comedian, reluctant writer, and mother to the raddest, baddest 9-year-old girl.
Where are you?
At a very messy desk in my home "office" in the San Fernando Valley house I've rented for the last two years. I just bought my first house and in eight days, I'll ditch this place forever! I CAN'T WAIT!!
Where are you from?
This is a loaded question for a transnational adoptee. According to legend, I was born in Seoul, South Korea, but I was adopted to a family of white, Lutheran people in suburban Minnesota when I was five months old. I've lived in lots of different places, but Southern California is the place I call home. I moved here in 2001 to pursue comedy and acting and the day I arrived I knew I was in the place I was meant to be. At least for now.
What do you do?
Cliche, I know, but my most important job is being a mom. I'm a single-mom to my nine year old daughter and on top of hustling my ass off for my own career, I also manage hers. She, too, is an actor (she plays "Lily" on Modern Family) and because she is so young and on such a successful show, I choose to manage her myself because no one will ever have her best interests in mind as much as I do. Beyond that, I always have my hand in something creative -- doing stand up (19 years!), acting, writing, singing, theater. I still feel like I'm tricking people when I get paid to do things I love and I think it's weird that most people have real jobs. I wouldn't make it an hour in an office. I also love lots of old lady activities like jigsaw puzzles, cross stitch, baking, crossword puzzles and I want to learn to knit or crochet... but I don't have much time for my old lady pursuits. Sigh... someday. I guess when I'm an old lady?
What are you all about?
Carbs. Well, in my dreams I'm all about carbs without gaining weight, but those days are over. Right now I'm all about keeping myself and my daughter fed, healthy, and safe. And keeping healthy includes doing what feeds our souls. It's a lot of pressure to be responsible for the basic needs of another human being but we're really enjoying life, so far.
What makes you angry?
My landlord. He can suck it. Liars. Wastefulness. Bigotry. Racism. Deceit. Xenophobia. Carelessness. Homelessness. Our broken education system. People who hurt children and animals. Rapists. People who think more guns is the answer to our nation's violence problems. Human trafficking. Child pornography. Misogyny. Religious extremists. Bad drivers. Control freaks. People who are rude to servers. My inability to eat bread without gaining weight and farting a lot later. Toilet paper hanging the wrong damn way on the roll. You know, when you have to pull from UNDER the roll, rather than from the TOP. GET IT RIGHT PEOPLE!!