Tilda Swinton responds to Doctor Strange casting controversy: Tilda Swinton, who stars as The Ancient One in Marvel's upcoming Doctor Strange, says the film comes from "a very diverse place."
Work In Progress: "I did workshops on Asian American feminism and talked about toxic masculinity and warned people what to look out for to identify a dangerous situation or relationship. I never once thought that I would have to do it myself."
NBC's "Superstore" reveals that one character is undocumented: On the season two premiere of NBC's Superstore, Mateo, a gay character from the Philippines, discovers that he is an undocumented immigrant.
Trump Campaign Assumed Indian-American Supporter Was A Protester, Tossed Him Out Of Rally: Needless to say, he no longer plans to vote for Trump.
Thurgood Marshall's interracial love: 'I don't care what people think. I'm marrying you.' A profile of Cecilia "Cissy" Marshall, who met her future husband Thurgood Marshall when she was placed to work as a secretary at the NAACP.
When Asian America was a Movement: Karen L. Ishizuka, a veteran of the Asian American Movement and author of Serve the People, rethinks the history of Asian American activism.
The Raw Emotions, Music, and Activism of Thao Nguyen: Thao Nguyen of Thao & The Get Down Stay Down not only brings down the house with her music, she's also a committed activist
When the Chant Comes: Two Poems by Kay Ulanday Barrett: Two poems by Kay Ulanday Barret, from his new collection When the Chant Comes.
Truth, Lies and Chinese Art Inspire 'a Puzzle Box of a Play': Playwright Christopher Chen's Caught was inspired by the controversy over Mike Daisey, who admitted to fabricating details in his one man play about Chinese Factory workers.
Second Jen breaks sitcom ground with two Asian women in lead roles: Samantha Wan and Amanda Joy created and star in the new sitcom Second Jen, premiering this fall on Canadian television.