There Are No Asian Lead Roles in Movies Being Released in 2017: So what else is new? Unless you're counting Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell, Matt Damon in The Great Wall, et cetera.
Letters to the Revolution: Vishavjit Singh: "Systemic changes and revolutions are not some instant magical seizures but small courageous acts by countless people that build up into a conflagration."
The Sci-Fi Author Bridging America and China: Award-winning, prolific science fiction author Ken Liu's epic Dandelion Dynasty trilogy is being likened to Game of Thrones in scope and theme.
Huge Asian-American Wealth Gap Pretty Much Invalidates 'Model Minority' Concept: The wealth gap among Asian-Americans is larger than that among whites.
Chinatown's First Asian-American Representative Prepares to Take Office: Yuh-Line Niou is the first Asian American in New York's history to represent Chinatown in the state legislature.
How 'Bambi' Got Its Look From 1,000-Year-Old Chinese Art: The Chinese-American artist Tyrus Wong, who died last week at 106, was an incredibly accomplished painter, illustrator, calligrapher and Hollywood studio artist. But as Margalit Fox wrote in her obituary for Mr. Wong, "because of the marginalization to which Asian-Americans were long subject, he passed much of his career unknown to the general public."
Food, Race, and Power: Who gets to be an authority on 'ethnic' cuisines? "White folks have the power to torment, often without consequence; but the special thing about White people is that they also have the power to make a trip to your home country for a month or maybe twelve, get inspired, and dictate when your previously unpalatable dishes suddenly become socially acceptable, trendy, and profitable in the Western world."