This Is Not a Test: "Japanese American incarceration didn't happen overnight. It happened after decades of vilification, legal measures, and discrimination, much like what Muslim immigrants, refugees, and citizens are now being subjected to."
After Trump Deemed China Foreign Enemy, Anti-Asian Hate Crimes In LA Surged: Expert: Responding to the alarming uptick in hate crimes, Asian Americans Advancing Justice recently launched StandAgainstHatred.org, a website to report and track anti-Asian hate crimes.
What Today's Protesters Can Learn From the History of L.A.'s Asian-American Movement: L.A.'s Chinese American Museum's current exhibit, "Roots: Asian American Movements in the 1960s-80s," aggregates a history of intersectional, cross ethnic solidarity building.
CA Congressman Ted Lieu's Twitter Account Is a Beacon of Light in the Post-Election Darkness: Reacting to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's b.s. about "alternative facts," CA Congressman Ted Lieu took to Twitter with some fantastic quips on the matter.
During WWII Death Valley hosted 65 endangered internees after the #Manzanar Riot. #JapaneseAmericanInternment
— Death Valley NP (@DeathValleyNPS) January 25, 2017
My Menu For Lunar New Year: Guilt, Confusion, With A Side Of Angst: NPR's Kat Chow ponders a Lunar New Year tradition that works for her, free of guilt and confusion.
All the Radical Words I've Loved: Interview with Jean Ho: Muriel Leung interviews Jean Ho about her short story "Korean Boys I've Loved," getting turned on by dentists, writing Asian American characters who challenge societal norms, literary politics, self-care, and getting your best life.
Books to Help Kids Understand What It's Like to Be a Refugee: "Stories can facilitate dialogue and promote healthy communication on this difficult topic, help to foster empathy and understanding, and even inspire young readers to take action to ensure safe and welcoming environments in their own communities."

The Director of the Movie 'Gook' Wants You to Squirm at the Title: Filmmaker and star Justin Chon talks about the purpose and backlash of his Sundance film Gook, set during the 1992 Los Angeles riots.
Go Behind the Scenes as Fortune Cookie History Gets Made: Wonton Food gave TIME a look behind the scenes at its Queens, New York factory, which churns out 4.5 million fortune cookies a day, to see fortune-cookie history in the making.
How Bruce Lee Exploded a Stereotype With a One-Inch Punch: The Museum of Modern Art presents "Eternal Bruce Lee," a week-long film series showcasing 4K restorations of Bruce Lee's The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, The Way of the Dragon and Game of Death, as well as Enter the Dragon.
Asian-Americans Re-Created Famous Vanity Fair Magazine Covers And It Was Beautiful: When's the last time you saw Asian Americans represented on the cover of Vanity Fair's iconic "Hollywood Issue"? Yeah. Some BuzzFeed staff decided to rectify that.