In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which is often celebrated as a national day of service, spoken word artist Kelly Tsai shares this animated video poem "To Find Your Place in the World." Animated by award-winning illustrator Ryan Hartley Smith, the piece is dedicated to the 900,000 people who have served in Americorps and the millions more who improve our communities daily through acts of service, large and small.
Check it out:
Tsai says the video was in part inspired by her experiences in Americorps. She and Smith, also an Americorps alum, brainstormed about their experiences in service, then looked at dozens of volunteer testimonials in diverse areas like reproductive health, disaster relief, veterans affairs, education, urban agriculture and more.
"I hop this video provides light in this cray cray time," Tsai says. "There is so much we can do to show up for what we care about. Please share if this moves you or can move someone you love."
For more from Kelly Tsai, check out her website and follow her updates on Twitter.