Hey, Los Angeles! It's story time! Disoriented Comedy invites you to the latest edition of Family Reunion, a monthly live storytelling show co-presented by Angry Asian Man Angry Asian Man, Tuesday Night Project, Mishthi Music and KAYA Press, featuring regular everyday folks talking story. No notes.
This month's Family Reunion theme is "Real Talk": tales of confrontations, big realizations, and not so big ones. The evening's featured lineup of storytellers includes Julie Zhan, Sangita, Pete Lee, Christine Medrano, Mark Brazill, Christopher Lam, Melanie Maras, Naomi Ko, and host Atsuko Okatsuka.
It's happening Thursday, July 20 at The Lyric Hyperion Theatre & Cafe in Silverlake. Here are some more details about the show:
Family Reunion storytelling is BACK! Tickets on sale now: http://disorientedcomedy.com/
And available at the door. Cash or Credit.
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1012835952110555/
Every month we talk story with sparkling performers and everyday folks from our communities! This series is co-presented by Kollaboration, Angry Asian Man, Tuesday Night Project, Mishthi Music and KAYA Press.
Tales of confrontations, big realizations, and not so big ones.
8PM Showtime at The Lyric Hyperion Theatre in Silverlake (2106 Hyperion Ave. Los Angeles, CA)
Beer, Wine, Coffee, Tea and Food available for purchase AND allowed in the theatre!
+ HOST: Atsuko Okatsuka. Comedian. Disoriented Comedy. Actress. Filmmaker.
+ Julie Zhan. Dancer. Actress.
+ Sangita. Comedian. Writer. Twitter human.
+ Pete Lee. Filmmaker. Fight Choreographer
+ Christine Medrano. Comedian.
+ Mark Brazill. Comedian. Creator of That 70's Show.
+ Christopher Lam. Filmmaker. Producer. BuzzFeed.
+ Melanie Maras. Comedian. Actress.
+ Naomi Ko. Moth Story Slam Winner. Mortified. Actress.
For further details about Family Reunion, head over to Facebook. To purchase tickets, go here.