Ali Wong Day Is An Official Holiday In San Francisco: All hail the Baby Cobra Queen of Comedy.
questions on (the limits & effects of) (asian american) allyship: Hyejin Shim raises some important questions about Asian American activism, the pitfalls of replicating white allyship, and re-framing the ways in which Asian Americans can understand their power and the stories they tell.
Eating Our Own: Deconstructing the Misogynistic Myths of Asian American Antifeminism: There's been a crop of antifeminist essays accusing Asian American women of many things, including supporting white supremacy in dating practices. Ju-Hyun Park identified and debunked some of the base assumptions, arguments, and outright myths of the Asian American antifeminist narrative.
How Asian Immigrants Learn Anti-Blackness From White Culture, And How To Stop It: "It takes awareness and willingness to unlearn the false narratives we've been taught and recognize them as misguided fear passed down to us from our overprotective parents."
Returning to My Father's Koreatown: Margaret Rhee looks back at family, food, and memories in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Koreatown.
No, Where Are You Really From? CNN asked people to share their experiences of being questioned about where they are really from. The #whereimreallyfrom project is a collection of 2,000 stories.
'Death Note's U.S. Setting Doesn't Excuse Its Total Erasure Of Asian-Americans: Netflix's new anime-inspired movie, Death Note, switched the setting from Japan to the U.S., whitewashing the main cast altogether.
'Death Note' Is What Happens When Filmmakers Don't See Race: American adaptations need to realize that multiculturalism, not high production value, is its greatest strength.
Kulap Vilaysack Will Take Over TV: Comedian and T.V. showrunner Kulap Vilaysack, creator of Bajillion Dollar Propertie$, has made it her mission to force Hollywood to address its race problem.
The Village People Are Adding an Asian Construction Worker to Their 'Old and Tired' Lineup: The Village People just announced they are adding a new member to the group's lineup -- a hot Asian construction worker named James Kwong.
YouTuber Jenn Im Just Launched A Clothing Line — & It's All Under-$80: Boasting just under two million YouTube subscribers and 1.5 million Instagram followers, fashion-turned-beauty-and lifestyle star Jenn Im is the latest social media star to launch her own clothing line.