Asians are being used to make the case against affirmative action. Again.
We are cast as victims in a pernicious story about race.
Asian Americans think an elite college degree will shelter them from discrimination. It won't
Many Asian Americans believe a degree from an elite college or university -- and preferably an Ivy League one -- is a necessary step to a successful career, and a safeguard against discrimination in the labor market. But there is also growing evidence that this faith in elite credentials may be misplaced.
The bitter lie behind the census’s citizenship question
Adding a citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. Census would be disastrous for everyone, with communities that are already at greater risk of being undercounted -- including people of color, young children, and low-income rural and urban residents -- suffering the most.
A Snapshot Of How Asian-Americans Are Changing The South
According to census data, the Asian American population in the South has grown by 69 percent in ten years, and now has the power to influence elections, schools and culture.
As Airbnb Moves In, Boston's Chinatown Sees Its Culture -- and Demographics—Change
Short-term rentals are spreading through Boston's Chinatown, displacing long-time residents and changing the culture and identity of the neighborhood in the process. Chinatown is fighting for its existence.
The Former Khmer Rouge Slave Who Blew the Whistle on Wells Fargo
Duke Tran has waged a nearly four-year legal fight against his former employer Wells Fargo, arguing that he was fired for blowing the whistle on deceptive practices.
I Thought Going To Korea Would Help Me Find Home
"When I moved to Seoul after growing up in America, I was a foreigner who looked native. I ended up staying for three years -- but eventually I had to go home."
The Sunken Place and the Model Minority Myth
"I sometimes wish I could go back in time and be my own guardian angel. I would reach down into that dark place of the Model Minority Myth and pull the younger me out. I would tell myself, "Baby, you got this. The best thing you can do is to ignore these goras.'"
From Superhero Shows to Soaps, South Asian Actors Are Taking Over TV
This pilot season, from legal dramas to family sitcoms to The Greatest American Hero reboot, there's a major boom in South Asian representation -- and we're not just seeing the same old stories anymore.
Off the coast of San Pedro, a Japanese community erased
Isolated from the mainland of Los Angeles, Fish Harbor was a 'dreamland' for Japanese Americans until 1942.
What It's Like to Watch Isle of Dogs As a Japanese Speaker
"When the first trailer arrived for Isle of Dogs last fall, I had three immediate, consecutive reactions: One: Oh, no. Two: Wait, I take that back. I'm going to be a good critic and reserve judgement until the week of March 23. Three: This is exhausting."
How to Fall in Love Over Text
To write her young-adult novel Emergency Contact, Mary H.K. Choi had to figure out how to render texts between a pair of teens without sounding like "an out-of-touch old person."
Jimmy O. Yang Of 'Silicon Valley': Asians Who Aren't Hunks Need Screen Time, Too!
Silicon Valley star Jimmy O. Yang chats about his new book How to American: An Immigrant's Guide to Disappointing Your Parents, his own immigrant experience, Asian masculinity, and the untold impact that one movie, Ninja Assassin, had for Asian men.
Fresh off Olympic glory, Chloe Kim says she hopes to use her platform to fight bullying
Snowboarder Chloe Kim, who became a household name last month when she took home gold for Team USA at the Winter Olympics, said her favorite part about her overnight rise to fame has been the free food. But she also hopes to use her platform to fight bullying, something she faced growing up.