Whole Foods is slammed over Yellow Fever restaurant. The owner says it’s not racist.
It was recently announced that a restaurant called Yellow Fever has opened a third location at a Whole Foods 365 store in Long Beach, California. The internet was not pleased.
As the Supreme Court considers Trump's travel ban, some want justices to remember a case they decided 74 years ago
In 1944, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Korematsu v. United States that Japanese Americans could lawfully be sent to concentration camps -- a decision that has never been officially overturned.
Scenes from a Chinese Restaurant
A photo essay exploring what it's like to be raised in a family business.
'Fresh Off The Boat' Expanded What Family Looks Like. Don't Cancel It.
The case for keeping Fresh Off The Boat on the air: "Positive, humanizing snapshots of immigrant families are essential to countering the current anti-immigrant climate. Research shows that, without these images, the public will rely on negative stereotypes to determine opinions about the impact of immigration."
Hari Kondabolu on The Simpsons' Apu Episode: "I Wasn't Trying to Troll, but if I Was, I Won"
The team behind The Simpsons finally responded to Hari Kondabolu's documentary The Problem With Apu, basically saying that they didn't really care about the conversation about the racist depiction of South Asians in the show. On this episode of Slate's Represent, Kondabolu discusses his reaction this response.
A Reckoning for Apu, ‘The Simpsons’ and Brownface
"But for many of us, it is not so easy to dismiss Apu and his accent as a mere joke. It is too often clear that the joke is on us — and even more so on our older relatives. Apu was the only major South Asian character on prime-time TV for many years, helping to define how millions of Americans think Indians, Pakistanis and other people from the subcontinent talk and live."
How Your Filipino Science Fiction Novel Will Be Adapted for Film
"Get rid of all the 'social justice warrior diatribe'; keep the one-liners. The treatise on war, the confusing tie-in with race relations and postcolonial commentary push down an agenda that doesn't flow with the rest of the narrative. Keep the plot simple. You're writing science fiction, not War and Peace."
A Little Bit Like Worship: An Interview with Elaine Castillo
Elaine Castillo, author of America is Not the Heart talks commemorating the mundane in fiction, writing about working class queer women, and re-claiming the Bay Area in her novel.
Silicon Valley's Jimmy O. Yang on How Crazy Rich Asians Changed His Life
Comedian Jimmy O. Yang discusses schisms within Asian America, his role as Jian Yang on HBO's Silicon Valley, and how being in Crazy Rich Asians changed his life.
With 'Ocean's 8' and 'Crazy Rich Asians,' Awkwafina is the summer's comedy secret weapon
You may know Nora Lum as Awkwafina. These days, the Queens native is not only a rapper, but adds comedian and actor to the mix in her upcoming roles in Ocean's 8 and Crazy Rich Asians.
CRISPR Wizard Feng Zhang: The Making Of A Sunny Science Superstar
By any measure -- papers, prizes, impact -- Feng Zhang is a science superstar, one of the most inventive life scientists in the world. And he's only 35.