Hey, folks! You know what time it is. It's time to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Sylvia Kwan.
Who are you?
Sylvia Kwan. Hi!
What are you?
I'm an actor, an aerialist, a hippie, nature and plant lover. Proud daughter of immigrant parents. Sister, friend. Raging feminist, raging liberal. Avid reader. Performer.
Where are you?
Los Angeles.
Where are you from?
Born in DC, raised in Virginia, but my heart is in Alaska.
What do you do?
I'm an actor currently performing in East West Players' production of Vietgone. I play Tong, she's a badass bitch. Holy hell it has been a dream come true. The cast is amazing and we all really like each other. Written by Qui Nguyen, the play is about his parents who were Vietnamese refugees that fall in love in a refugee camp. It has elements of rap, comedy, romance, action, and bromance while touching on the relationship between a mother and her children. I love this show!!!! Before this, I played the character Orangutan in Water by the Spoonful at the Mark Taper Forum. I am incredibly lucky to be able to play characters that speak to me and allow me to speak my truth. I hope my work enables audiences to have empathy for people they don't normally identify with. You can follow me at @kwansyl for more updates.
What are you all about?
I am all about staying at home and taking care of my plants. Eight hours of sleep and good food to eat.
I am all about empowering others to have a voice. I am about bucking the status quo. I want children of color to see people of color onstage and on screen and understand that they can be whoever they want to be. I want people of color to know that their stories deserve to be heard and seen, and I want to show humanity that we are all human beings deserving of compassion.
What makes you angry?
With the current administration, it feels like everything. Racism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism. I am angry about people not caring for their fellow man. I am angry about complacency. I am especially angry about humans destroying the earth. My experience in Alaska taught me how beautiful the environment is, how connected to the earth we all are, and how quickly climate change is effecting us. It drives me nuts when people litter anywhere, but especially in the wilderness. Leave no trace behind! Pack it up, people.