Why Do Asian Americans Remain Largely Unseen in Film and Television
There have been recent gains in Asian American representation in film and television, but Thessaly La Force thinks that Hollywood can do more. Bonus: classic movie casts re-imagined with Asian American actors.
This 43-year-old running for president in 2020 wants to give everyone $1,000 a month in free cash
Part of entrepreneur Andrew Yang's platforms in his run for president -- of the United States of America -- is implementing a Universal Basic Income, granting $1,000 for all citizens ages 18-64.
California politics must accommodate growing share of Asian American voters
Asian Americans, one of the largest immigrant groups and the fastest-growing racial group in California, account for one in every seven votes in the state. Yet they are often overlooked for their political importance.
The War Inside 7-Eleven
7-11, the world's largest convenience store chain, has been battling its store owners for years over franchise matters. The company seems to have found a new tool: U.S. immigration authorities.
What Wong Kar-wai's Films Meant to Young Asians in America
For Sophie He, Wong Kar-wai's films illuminated how to navigate that liminal space between tenderness and loneliness, connection and alienation, East and West.
Kim's Convenience co-creator on anglicization, role models and comedy as a uniting force
An interview with Ins Choi, co-creator of the hit Canadian sitcom Kim's Convenience.
How Awkwafina Went From Viral Vagina Video to Movies and 'SNL' Host
Crazy Rich Asians breakout star Awkwafina, aka "your average Asian trumpet player turned rapper turned actress," is seeking her path amid a meteoric rise.