Hey, everybody! Here's what's up. It's time, once again, to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Andrew Phung.
Who are you?
I'm Andrew Phung, a Canadian actor, comedic improviser, and emcee. I'm one of the stars of Kim's Convenience on CBC (Canada) and Netflix. I've won back-to-back Canadian Screen Awards for my portrayal as Kimchee in the category of Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy series. We're currently entering our 3rd season and season 4 has already been green lit.
What are you?
I'm a dad to Nico and Mateo, Husband to Tamara, and a kid at heart. I'm a sneaker collector, lover of all things Ghostbusters, a life-long wrestling fan, and an eater of all pizzas.
Where are you?
I'm currently sitting in my kitchen in Toronto, Canada. I'm sitting on this dope-ass gold kitchen stool that my wife picked out, while my son is watching Toopy and Binoo on is his iPad.
Where are you from?
I'm originally from the mean streets of NE Calgary! I built my comedy and acting career there. We just recently moved to Toronto to be closer to work for me. My family is originally from Vietnam.
What do you do?
I'm a hustler and life-long student of comedy. I fell in love with improv when I was 16. I went to the University of Calgary and did a degree in Economics while chasing stage time in the evenings. In 2012, I quit my job to pursue acting and comedy full time. It's all about the hustle and working hard. Starting a comedy and acting career in Calgary, Alberta was tough. But, I felt like I could make it work if I hustled hard enough. I try to be on stage non-stop, and I'm always looking ahead and doing more awesome and creative projects, while working with good people.
On the side, I'm the chaser of sneakers. I love sneakers! I love looking at them, finding them, and wearing them. There's something therapeutic about them, and I love how they've influenced my career along the way.
What are you all about?
I'm all about doing what you love, and making your community a better place.
Prior to entering the arts full time, I was the Program Director of Youth Central, an organization that gets youth involved in their community through volunteering and community programs. We did things like community cleanups, raised money charitable causes, and we broke the world record of sandwiches made in an hour (they were donated to local shelters)! For me, I want to make my community a better place. This includes inclusion, and respect for one another. Wherever I go, and whatever I do, I want to make sure I'm supporting those around me, and making my community a brighter place.
After University, I took a job that I really didn't like. I wasn't motivated, and I just wasn't happy. I had a long talk with my parents and they encouraged me to pursue my passions. I was worried about what they would say. For them, they didn't work their entire life so that I could hate my job. At the same, they didn't work so that I could goof around without focus. They wanted me to work hard, at the thing that brought me happiness.
So, I took a job in the non-profit sector, which made me really happy. Then, I spent my evenings and weekends doing improv, and working on comedic and creative projects, which made me even happier.
I love acting, I love making audiences laugh, and I love entertaining people. I'm a kid from the NE of Calgary, who was told that being an Asian Actor, or an Asian Comedian wasn't going to happen. I pinch myself and get giddy thinking that I'm able to do what I love for a living. I cherish all the little moments. I hope others are able to do the same and I applaud those hustlers trying to grind it out.
What makes you angry?
So many things. I do try and avoid things that make me angry and instead try to be a good human being so that I can influence my surroundings. But, I do really dislike people who don't listen to others. I think it's important to listen to other people's perspectives and try to understand how they feel. It's OK to be wrong, and to learn from your mistakes. When people don't listen, or disregard others, I find it really disrespectful and that gets me angry.