Hey, everybody! Phil here. Happy Valentine's Day, if that's your thing. Around here, coincidentally, the day is special for another reason. Today happens to mark the 18th anniversary of this blog. On this day in 2001, I turned the knobs and flipped the switch to upload the very rudimentary first version of Angry Asian Man.
18 years. Damn. This blog is legally an adult. Old enough to vote. Which also makes me old... and tired. Definitely tired. It's been wonderful, it's been inspiring, it's been appalling, it's been bewildering. It's been a hell of a journey that I never saw coming. When I first started working on this thing, I had no idea that I was starting a thing. And I certainly didn't think anybody was going to read it.
But here you are, so thank you. The very best thing about running this site has been all the awesome people it has put in my path, the dear friendships we've forged, and the community we've created together.
Thank you to the close confidants who have always had my back, the artists and change-makers who inspire me, and you, the dear readers who gave me a voice. It's an honor. Especially huge thank you to the supporters and subscribers who donate to Angry Asian Man, this month and every month. You keep this going.
No thank you to the haters.
On a personal note, the blog's 18th year was one of the most challenging years my own life, with some setbacks and disappointments, as well as wins and good news. I'm definitely not the same guy I was when we started this thing, 18 years ago. That said, I'm not going anywhere. Thanks for sticking around. Let's keep doing this together.
Stay Angry.