Hello! Phil here. We all know today, February 14, is Valentine's Day. But as longtime readers may remember, today also happens to mark the anniversary of this website. Yup. On this day, nineteen years ago, I flipped the switch on the very first iteration of Angry Asian Man, launching me into the wilds of the internet.
Nineteen years. Every year, I tell myself I must be doing the math wrong, but it checks out. I've done this thing longer than I've done anything. And I feel pretty fortunate. Because of this website, I've experienced so many joyous, wonderful moments and made blessed relationships. I've also witnessed some pretty terrible things, and have waded through a fair amount of truly unfun bullshit.
I've had wins. I've made mistakes. I'm tired. The last couple of years have been particularly challenging. But I'm still here. So... nineteen years later, all I can really say is thank you. Thanks to all you regular readers, whether you're relatively recent or been staying angry since day one. Thank you to all the great friends I've made along the way. Huge thank you to all the subscribers and supporters. Thanks but no thanks to the haters, too.
I never really expected this thing to connect with people, but somewhere along the way I found you, my community. I found a personal and professional calling. And I found my voice.
Next up: Year Twenty. In terms of this website, and its various satellite efforts, there will be some of the same stuff, as well as exciting new stuff. I've been messing with new formats, as well as navigating some big lifestyle changes. But rest assured, we're keeping things going. Thanks for coming along for the ride.
Stay Angry.