Listen Up! Asian Americans and People of Conscience Allies!
Take it from Helen Zia, who would know: "I lived through the auto industry's collapse and the climate of misery and hate that led to Vincent Chin's killing. Those were horrific times -- but the train wreck from the hate and hysteria of this pandemic and global recession is coming and will be MUCH WORSE!" Also see Part 2.
Don't Be Racist
Furthermore, take it from Patrick Epino, who also connects the dots between "Chinese Virus" and Vincent Chin.

Nail Salon Owners Organize Medical Supply Drive
Let's give some props where they are due. In San Mateo, California, a group of women -- a stay-at-home mother of three, and two nail salon owners -- organized a donation drive to help health careworkers who say they're short on protective gear. In a matter of days, they collected nearly 3,000 masks, 59,450 pairs of gloves and other medical supplies to be given to health care workers.

House of Woo is Making Face Masks in the Fight Against the Coronavirus
And in Los Angeles, House of Woo has joined the fight against the coronavirus. Owner Staci Woo has turned the company's resources from making environmentally conscious clothing lines to making face masks to help slow the spread of COVID-19. "We've got the means, we've got the fabric, we've got the people, and people are needing the masks right now," Woo told ABC7.

Woman Barters Baked Goods for Toilet Paper Amid Coronavirus Emergency
As you've probably heard, toilet paper is a little hard to come by these days, as shoppers hoard precious rolls amid the coronavirus emergency. It's especially problematic for the disabled. Brandi Frausto, who can't get around easily, was greeted with barren shelves in the paper goods aisle at her local grocery. So she took to the internet, and ended up bartering home-baked goods for a packet of toilet paper. Get it any way you can, folks.