Lululemon Fires Employee Over 'Bat Fried Rice' Shirt
The athletic-wear company Lululemon has issued an apology after its art director posted a racist "Bat Fried Rice" shirt design on social media. Trevor Fleming shared a link on Instagram to the design first shared by artist Jess Sluder, featuring a Chinese take-out box decorated with bat wings and the words "no thank you" on the back. Fleming has reportedly been fired. But the real crime? The damn shirt was selling for $60.
92-year-old Asian Man Assaulted in Vancouver Hate Crime
Police are searching for a man who assaulted a 92-year-old Asian man with dementia last month in East Vancouver. On March 13, the victim, who suffers from severe dementia, wandered into a convenience store, where staff were trying to assist him. That's when this guy started yelling racist remarks (including comments about COVID-19), draged the elderly man out of the store, then shoved him, causing him to fall to the ground and hit his head.

Coronavirus Reminds Asian Americans Our Belonging is Conditional
"You can’t stand up for some and not for others. And like the virus, unchecked aggression has the potential to spread wildly. Please don't minimize the hate or assume it's somewhere far away. It's happening close to you. If you see it on the street, say something. If you hear it at work, say something. If you sense it in your family, say something. Stand up for your fellow Americans."

Korean Drama Podcast: Season 2
The Korean Drama Podcast is back! After a long hiatus, the mildly popular podcast I used co-host is back for a second season. While Will, Joanna and I won't be back as your guides, we've handed off the reins to an awesome new set of hosts, Steven Lim, Kathy Yamamoto and Kim Cooper, who will be watching, re-capping and reacting to the 2010 series Secret Garden. I'm looking forward to following along with them.

Submit Your AAPI Heritage Month Online Event Calendar Listing
With May coming up, and the community basically under lockdown and unable to gather, Jeff Yang and I are compiling a public calendar of online events taking place for Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Do you have an online event scheduled or know of one? Email us your event details at theycallusbruce@gmail.com or fill out this form. And if you're reading this and finding out for the first time that May is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month -- yes, we get a month -- consider yourself informed. Now you know what's up.