The Slur I Never Expected to Hear in 2020
"Since the coronavirus, what has been happening is a different strain of anti-Asian racism than the kind to which I’m accustomed. Not the kind in which we are invisible or we’re seen as efficient cyborgs. Racism never disappears but adapts to new circumstances when old strains rise from the dark vaults of American history."
I spent six days on a ventilator with covid-19. It saved me, but my life is not the same.
"As a patient whose life was saved by a ventilator, I believe it is an outrage and an embarrassment that a nation as wealthy as ours is even discussing possible ventilator shortages."
A resource to assist adults in conversations on xenophobia with Asian American children
"This letter is designed to support the social-emotional health of Asian American children, and to be used as a resource to help parents and mentor adults talk with Asian American children about xenophobia."
Eating Apart When Food is Love
For Chinese Americans whose love language is food, social distancing can be even more challenging.
Texts from my Father, in Elmhurst Hospital
When his elderly father was admitted to Elmhurst Hospital Center with COVID-19 symptoms, Victor Zapana, Jr. could not visit. They could only communicate with text messages.
Trouble Focusing? Not Sleeping? You May Be Grieving
Author R.O. Kwon names the grief that is gripping her -- and many of us -- during this global pandemic.
When Your Inheritance Is to Look Away
"Obfuscation is my inheritance. My parents, like many immigrants, depicted their pre-America lives as mere prologue, quickly sketched. Once, we lived in China. The winters were cold. You were small. Now we live here."
When The Love Is Good But The Food Is Sad
Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay on her relationship to Lao food and her mother.
Postponed Asian American Film Festivals Work Together To Champion Representation
The month of May marks Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and three of the biggest Asian film festivals in the country -- Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, Center For Asian American Media's CAAMFest in San Francisco, and San Diego Asian Film Festival -- were revving up to showcase films and projects from all avenues of the Asian diaspora to help build community and put a spotlight on talent from all over the world -- but then coronavirus happened.
With 'Tigertail,' a Filmmaker Hopes to Comfort Asian-Americans
Writer/director Alan Yang based his Netflix movie Tigertail on his father's tale of leaving Taiwan for the United States. The film arrives at a difficult time: a rise in xenophobia amid the pandemic.
'Tigertail's Tzi Ma Transcends Role As Hollywood's Go-To Asian Father To Become Trailblazing Icon
Over the years, Tzi Ma has garnered the reputation of being Hollywood's go-to Asian father figure. His latest role in Alan Yang's Tigertail is just that -- and much more.
Tzi Ma is already everyone's go-to Asian dad. Netflix's 'Tigertail' makes him the star
After four decades in TV, film and theater, Tigertail marks Tzi Ma's biggest lead role to date.