Hello, internet friends. It is time, once again, to meet the Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is Clement Chow.
Who are you?
Clement Chow. But these days I have become the local poster boy for surviving COVID19. For better or worse.
What are you?
Asian American, Cantonese, Husband, Father, Son, Scientist, Professor, Mentor, Home Chef, Fisherman, Gardner, Advocate, Fighter – not always in this order
Where are you?
Salt Lake City, UT – wandering the mountains and catching fish
More recently? Hiding from my kids during Work From Home pandemic conditions.
Where are you from?
I was born in Norfolk, VA, spent a few years in Michigan, and mostly grew up in San Diego. I went to college in Ithaca, NY and grad school in Ann Arbor, MI.
I belong here, just like everyone else.
What do you do?
I am a professor at the University of Utah School of Medicine. My lab searches for cures for rare childhood genetic diseases. Check out the work of all the talented scientists in my lab: www.chowlab.org.
I also advocate for AAPI issues and work to increase diversity in all areas, especially in the University.
Lately, I’ve also been doing a lot of educating about the real consequences of COVID19.
What are you all about?
Good food.
What makes you angry?
When people don;t realize that no one makes it on their own. It makes me especially angry when Asian Americans don't get that we would be no where without all the sacrifices that our Black and Brown brothers and sisters made before us.
It also makes me mad when people don’t wear a mask when they go out. Wear your GD mask.