Why Kamala Harris Matters to Me
Manisha Sinha is an Indian American professor of African American history. Experiencing Joe Biden's vice-presidential pick is a personal gift.
Indian Americans want to claim Kamala Harris as ours. It's a trap.
"Recognition is primal. But it can also make us gloss over the complexities of identity — and their unpredictable implications for policy. The heady rush of recognition can lull us into complacency or lead us to quell our deeper ideological convictions."
Dinesh D'Souza's Attacks On Kamala Harris Are Part Of A Bigger Problem In The Indian Community
As an Indian man, Dinesh D'Souza has the privilege of appealing to white conservatives by being the minority in the room willing to attack Black people.
Voters will be looking for more than just symbolism in Biden and Harris
"We've never been closer to having a Black woman VP than now. We've never been closer to having an Asian VP than now. The likelihood that we'll see an Asian American president in my lifetime, something I would have found difficult to imagine just a few decades ago, is higher than it has ever been. But getting there will require connecting this moment to the movements surging around it, movements that want real change, real soon."
Mourning my baby brother, Fahim
Ruby Angela Saleh remembers her brother, Fahim, who was found brutally murdered in July.
With BCD Tofu House, Hee Sook Lee Built More Than A Restaurant Empire
When Hee Sook Lee, founder of the BCD Tofu House chain, came to Los Angeles, she didn't intend to launch a Korean restaurant empire -- she wanted her children to master English.
Director Sujata Day on Exploring Mental Health in Feature Film Debut 'Definition Please'
Sujata Day's first feature film, Definition Please, tells the story of an Indian American spelling bee champion who must reconcile with her estranged brother when he returns to help care for their sick mother.
How Justin H. Min Became The Umbrella Academy's Breakout Star
Rising talent Justin H. Min, who stars in The Umbrella Academy, talks about his Tumblr account, how fans helped his character develop, and the inspiring effect of an Asian superhero.