A Terrifying Sign of Assimilation
"Ours is a nation where the unimaginable has somehow become inevitable. If Mr. Chou, Mr. Tran and Mr. Zhao committed mass shootings, they did so not because they were Asian but as Americans. Mass murder may be the fullest act of assimilation possible into a culture that has proudly chosen as its colors the red of innocent blood, the white of panicked eyes and the hazy blue of semiautomatic smoke."
The Joy And Connection Of Ballroom Dance Will Outlast The Monterey Park Shooting
For decades, Star Dance's spacious hardwood floors drew professionals and amateurs alike to Monterey Park's downtown. But on Saturday, violence shattered the community's celebration of the Lunar New Year, when a man opened fire during one of the studio's busiest nights of the year, killing 11 people in their 50s, 60s, and 70s and injuring at least nine others.
Why the Monterey Park shooting feels like an attack on Asian America
"To be sure, violence -- whether or not it is driven by prejudice -- happens everywhere in the U.S. But given the political climate since 2020, it is hard for Asian Americans to not automatically think that hate is the force behind any attack in our communities."
An Asian American Grief
May we all find peace in the new year.
Marie Kondo's life is messier now - and she's fine with it
Marie Kondo is a bit frazzled since giving birth to her third child in 2021. Like most of us, she’s having trouble keeping up with all of it. Never fear, though: She is still sparking joy. It’s just that, these days, that doesn't hinge on having a tidy house.
Grace Young Wants to Keep Chinatown Restaurants in Business
Culinary historian Grace Young became an activist after the Covid pandemic hurt long-established businesses in New York and beyond.
The Pen Ten: An Interview with Franny Choi
Franny Choi doesn't see dystopia as science fiction. In her poetry collection The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On, she writes about the dystopias that are happening now, and historically, to marginalized people everywhere.