Here we go again. It's time for another Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is singer/songwriter Dawen Wang:
Who are you?
Dawen, a singer-songwriter, producer, and avid reader of Angry Asian Man.
What are you?
Bostonian by birth; Asian by blood; Chicagoan by heart; musician by trade; over-caffeinated by noon.
Where are you?
Los Angeles, waiting in line at the Kogi truck, across the street from Yogurtland on Sawtelle, but mostly here.
Where are you from?
I used to hate it when people asked me this question. If I said "Boston" or "Chicago" people would then ask, "No, I mean, where are you really from?"
When I moved to Hong Kong during high school, I told all my new classmates that I was from "Lexington, Massachusetts, the Birthplace of the American Revolution." And because my new classmates, being predominantly British, were quiet and reserved, and I, being from the US, was loud and brash, they believed me. Subsequently, I became known as "the American."
I thought I had finally reached the point where people believed me when I said I was from the US, or that I was from America. And then, on my first day in college back in the States, it was the familiar tune: "No, I mean, where are you really from?
What do you do?
I write and perform music! Currently, I'm preparing for my CD release show. I have just finished my first full length album "American Me" and can't wait to introduce it to everyone.
I am also a producer, having just finished my second showcase "Declare INDIEpendence! 2" with the 14th Chicago Asian American Showcase in April.
And once every blue moon, I don the actor's coat and dabble in the theater.
What are you all about?
Asian American Empowerment. I love being Asian. I love being American. And I try to express that sentiment in any way I can. Whether it be through my music, or by showcasing other Asian American performers, I am all about supporting the AA community at large.
What makes you angry?
1. The disregard and intolerance people have for one another
2. Auto-racists
3. Casting for "The Last Airbender"
4. LA traffic
5 "No, I mean, where are you really from?