
student honored as great american hero

This is a cool story out of Abington, Pennsylvania about 17-year-old Vidhu Nath, who was recently honored by Great American Opportunities, a national fundraising company that urges students to be a hero and make a difference: Abington student named Great American Hero.

Vidhu was named a Great American Hero for his work with H20 for Life, a Minnesota-based organization that works to bring clean water to impoverished places. The H20 for Life club at Abington High School was raised $17,000 to fund projects including a well in Africa and water catchment system in India.

There are about 40 Abington High students that are active in H2O for Life, which this year is raising money for latrines and a washhouse in Nicaragua. Vidhu says he plans to donate the $500 check from Great American Opportunties to H20 for Life.

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