Sriracha-flavored Lay's potato chips. Let me give you a moment to think about that. This is real thing, people. Here's what's up: Sriracha potato chips? Lay's offers three flavors for fan vote.
Three new Lay's potato chip flavors are hitting supermarket shelves this week: Sriracha, Chicken & Waffles and Garlic Cheesy Bread. Fans will be able to vote for their favorite through Twitter, text message and Lay's Facebook page. The flavor with the most votes will stay on shelves for good.
My friends, fellow fans of all that is good and tasty, is there even a choice? Garlic Cheesy Bread? Pssshhhh. Chicken & Waffles? Go to Roscoe's. Vote Sriracha and give it the red, spicy love it deserves.
Sriracha is awesome, and that's really all there is to it. The new flavors are supposed to hit stores on Tuesday, but I'm already starting to hear from folks who have spotted them on sale. Gotta go get me a bag now.