This poet is angry as hell, and I like it. Check out Macalester College's Rachel Rostad performing her award-winning spoken word piece "A Letter to JK Rowling from Cho Chang" earlier this month at the College Union Poetry Slam Invitational in New York City. She has some critical words for the multigajillionaire author about the Asian characters in her bestselling wizard series:
Preach it, Rachel. For anyone who's ever lamented over how worthless Cho Chang was in the Harry Potter books, this is for you. More on Rachel and her slam teammates: CUPSI: A frenzy of friendship and poetry.
UPDATE: Rachel's piece has stirred up quite a ruckus. Good. But she felt the need to clarify a few things. So here's her Response To Critiques of "To JK Rowling, From Cho Chang."
Kick ass.