What's up, video viewers? I am pleased to present the latest edition of Angry Asian America, our talk show on ISAtv. Our first episode of 2015 is one last look back at 2014, in which co-host Jenny Yang and I depart from our usual format and name our picks for the best and worst people of the year. This was a fun one.
So... here's episode 11 of Angry Asian America:
It was a hell of a year. Our list is by no means meant to be definitive -- there were plenty of individuals and issues we didn't have time to talk about -- but perhaps it can serve as a conversation starter.
Thanks for watching. And big thanks to our ISAtv crew for helping to put this episode together -- we filmed it over the holidays. To catch up on past episodes of Angry Asian America, and to watch future show when the drop, be sure to subscribe to ISAtv on YouTube.