This one's kind of a no-brainer. Randall Park, who stars as patriarch Louis Huang on ABC's Fresh Off The Boat will guest star on an upcoming episode of the network's other Asian American family comedy Dr. Ken.
Fresh Off the Boat's Randall Park Makes Appointment With Dr. Ken
According to TVLine, Park will play Gary Chon, the seemingly straight-laced leader of the Korean Men's Club that Ken reluctantly joins, in a bid to make friends. But Gary turns out to be the group's wiiiiiiild ringleader.
Sitcom ijinks ensue.
Fresh Off The Boat and Dr. Ken seem to be developing a sort of in-network Asian American family exchange program. Dr. Ken kid Albert Tsai, of course, has been a recurring guest star on Fresh Off The Boat as Phillip Goldstein, while Fresh Off The Boat's Ian Chen recently repaid the favor as the Parks' next-door neighbor.
Randall Park's episode of Dr. Ken will air sometime in April.
Dr. Ken airs Fridays at 8:30pm on ABC.