The other day I wrote about Roy Pearson, an administrative law judge for the District of Columbia who is suing Jin Nam Chung and Ki Chung's dry cleaning business for over $65 million... for losing his pants: Judge sues cleaner for $65M over pants. It's one thing to demand quality service... but this guy is the world's biggest jerk, basically making life miserable for this hard-working family. Well, according to this press release, this week the American Tort Reform Association delivered a letter to four District of Columbia officials, urging them to consider carefully the "judicial temperament" of Pearson, who happens to be seeking reappointment: COMMISSION URGED TO RECONSIDER TENURE OF LAW JUDGE WHO'S SUING DRY CLEANER FOR $65 MILLION. With all the press this lawsuit has gotten, I wouldn't surprised if the judge's reputation has taken a beating. One judge wrote to the Washington Post to urge "any bar to which Mr. Pearson belongs to immediately disbar him and the District to remove him from his position as an administrative law judge." Agreed!
You know, I was thinking about organizing some kind of campaign against Pearson, urging everyone to just send him their old pairs of pants. But I thought against it, fearing that he might actually go ahead and sue me too. Because you know he would. Instead, I recommend perhaps contacting the Office of Administrative Hearings (202-478-1421), letting them know what you think about Pearson's behavior, and given the circumstances, asking them to reconsider his reappointment. Just a suggestion.
UPDATE: A defense website has been set up for the Chungs: Custom Cleaners Defense Fund