
hillary clinton's "chinese" clapping

Dude, why is Chris Matthews so obsessed with with Hillary Clinton and clapping? And why does he keep comparing it to "the Chinese"? A few nights ago on the November 6 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, discussing Senator Clinton, Matthews noted: "[W]ell, there she is clapping again...[W]ould somebody please tell me why she claps every time she goes somewhere?" Okay. But then the next day on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Matthews remarked that Clinton is "usually standing in front of the camera, and she's clapping, like she's Chinese. I know the Chinese clap at each other, but what is she clapping at?":
MATTHEWS: Yeah, would you explain that to me, what they're - every time you see a Republican they're looking for a leader, every time you see a Democrat, they're at a meeting. They love these lunchtime meetings. And they're always at -- she's usually standing in front of the camera, and she's clapping, like she's Chinese. I know the Chinese clap at each other, but what is she clapping at? I mean, it's like one of these wind-up things. Every time you see -- and now she rolls around the room, and sort of, it's like dances with the clapping while she's there. And every once in a while she shoots that pointed finger at somebody, she multi-tasks, she claps and points. But the clapping is just, it's so - Mika [Brzezinski, co host], is this the triumph of modern women? Is this some new level of greatness we've all achieved here? I don't know what it is.
Why does he keep referring to "the Chinese"? I don't even understand what that means. And this isn't the first time Matthews has said this, as we've mentioned here before. On the October 26 edition of Hardball, Matthews asks, "What's with [Clinton's] clapping? Why is she always clapping? There we see her -- I don't know any -- is this a Chinese thing? What is this clapping?" And almost exactly a year ago, during MSNBC's coverage of the 2006 midterm elections, Matthews noted, "[A]nd that clapping. I just don't get it. It's not appealing. It's Chinese or something. I mean, what is this applauding-yourself thing all about?"

Media Matters lays out the history of Chris Matthews obsession with Clinton's clapping (including video): MSNBC's Matthews still obsessed with Clinton's "Chinese" clapping. My friends, never before has a man been so obsessed with someone else's clapping. You know what? I think he secretly loves her clapping. As for the Chinese thing... seriously, what the hell does that even mean? I still don't get it.

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