
union square rapist targeting asian women

My Asian sisters, stay vigilant, stay safe, and watch your back. In New York, police are hunting for a serial rapist who has been targeting Asian women. The suspect apparently follows his victims from Manhattan's Union Square subway station, then brutally attacks them at home: SERIAL RAPE FIEND.

According to police, the attacker has raped two women in their building vestibules, and has attempted to assault two others since October 1. There may be more victims who have yet to come forward.

The suspect waits until a woman unlocks the door to her apartment building and then pounces from behind, choking his victims unconscious before raping them. The three most recent attacks occurred on October 20.

The suspect is described as 6 feet tall and 170 pounds, and is in his late 20s. He wears a dark, hooded sweatshirt. Anyone with information should contact the Crime Stoppers hot line at (800) 577-TIPS, or text CRIMES and then enter TIP577. Somebody, catch this sick bastard.

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