
why the media loves michelle rhee

The Washington Post recently ran another article on D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee, who has been getting a lot of press lately for her drastic measures to overhaul the District's failing school system. She made both fans and enemies, but for better or for worse, she's become the face of urban school reform.

When you're on the cover of TIME, you've hit the big time. You have to admit, Rhee's story is irresistible to journalists and pundits who follow education. And big time politicians have tried to latch on and associate themselves with Rhee's big ideas.

But what does it all actually mean for the schools and the students? This story attempts to cut through all the A-list hoopla, and look at what all the media attention has meant for the actual work that needs to be in DC's schools: Up Close, Rhee's Image Less Clear.

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