
vote parry shen for scary stud 2008

Actor and friend Parry Shen informs me that because of his appearances in a number of horror films (Hatchet, The Hazing, Attack of the Sabertooth), he was selected the horror movie website Pretty/Scary: For Women in Horror, By Women in Horror as their Scary Stud for the month of December. Yes, Parry is Pretty/Scary's Mr. December 2008.

But here's the thing. They've asked readers to vote for Scary Stud of the Year 2008. That's cool, but when I looked at the numbers, Parry is currently holding down the bottom spots with just 2% of the vote. Aw hell no! We've got to help a brother out. He doesn't necessarily have to win, but let's at least make sure he makes a good showing. Vote for Parry here.

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