
you didn't think it was over, did you?

Gaaaaaaaah. Roy Pearson, the idiot behind the now-infamous $54 million pants lawsuit, refuses to let go of his insane-in-the-head litigation. Why, Pearson? Why? Because you're a crazy fool. Just received an email from Christopher Manning, the attorney representing the Chung family, who used to own Custom Cleaners:
Mr. Roy Pearson has filed the attached voluminous Petition for Rehearing or Rehearing En Banc with the DC Court of Appeals in an attempt to have the December 18, 2008 denial of his appeal of the pants lawsuit overturned.

The DC Court of Appeals has the discretion to deny Mr. Pearson's Petition.

If the Petition for Rehearing is granted, the original panel of three judges that heard the case would rehear the case.

If the Petition for Rehearing En Banc is granted, the entire panel of DC Court of Appeals judges would rehear the case.

Mr. Pearson could also eventually petition for the United States Supreme Court to hear the case.

"Mr. Pearson's Petition is sad and unfortunate. Amazingly, despite two resounding defeats, Mr. Pearson has, once again, decided to prolong the needless agony of this case for the Chungs, for the DC taxpayers and for everyone involved. The Chungs and I hope the DC Court of Appeals will deny Mr. Pearson’s Petition and will put this case to rest in this jurisdiction. Most importantly, the Chungs and I call on Mayor Fenty and the DC City Council to amend the very vague and often unfair DC Consumer Protection Act so that cases like this cannot happen again."
If anyone thought last month's decision, denying his appeal, was the end of it, you were wrong. The guy just needs to let it go. Instead, he's made it his mission to put this poor family through hell for the last several years. What a pathetic man. I wish I didn't have to say this... but this, sadly, will not be the last you hear of this.

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