Opening theaters today... He's Just Not That Into You, starring lots and lots and lots of pretty white people complaining about relationships. There are like two and a half people of color that show up in the trailer, and my man Leonardo Nam is one of them. He advises Drew Barrymore that MySpace is "the new booty call."
Aishwarya Rai, who happens to be the most beautiful woman in the world, co-stars in The Pink Panther 2 with Steve Martin. What's the movie about? Who cares? It's Aishwarya. Oh, Japanese actor Yuki Matsuzaki is also in the movie.
Also opening in theaters today, Push, about a group of young American expatriates possessing special psychic powers who are on the run and hiding out from a shadowy government organization in Hong Kong. I kind of liked this idea better when it was called Heroes. Anyway, there are a bunch of Asians in the film, being set in Hong Kong and all, including Ming Na, Hal Yamanouchi, Lu Lu, Jacky Heung and this guy... who looks insane.
And finally, opening in select theaters today, the Thai action flick Chocolate. All you really need to know is that it's from the makers of Ong-Bak. JeeJa Yanin stars as an autistic girl who picks up some extraordinary martial arts skills... just by watching kung fu flicks! Okay, ridiculous premise, but plenty of asskicking to satisfy. And if it's not playing in your city this weekend, it's all good -- Chocolate will be out on DVD