The book focuses on the changing face of Christianity (i.e. more multi-ethnic and less focused on white, suburban America). I haven't had a chance to take a look at the book, but I know that Soon-Chan has been a longtime advocate of equality, social justice and cultural understanding within the church.
Longtime readers might remember the Rickshaw Rally fiasco from several years back. Reverend Rah was one of the more outspoken voices leading the charge against LifeWay Christian Resources and their objectionable use of stereotypical Asian imagery in children's Vacation Bible School material.
Check out Soong-Chan's blog here. Learn more about the book at the publisher's website here. The book talks about the Rickshaw Rally incident, as well as the racist Skit Guys church teaching material that was published a few years back. The book will be available next month. You can pre-order it now on Amazon