Hey, just heard from Evelina, who wrote this cool (cover!) story for Pacific Ties, UCLA's AAPI newsmagazine, on bloggers and the role they play in building awareness and creating dialogue in the AAPI community: Blogosphere: The New Frontier?
The story highlights some of the folks doing their thing on the blogosphere, talking to folks like Jen and Diana at Disgrasian, "Slanty" at Slant Eye for the Round Eye, the multitude of voices who represent 8 Asians, and Lena Chen of the infamous Sex and the Ivy blog.
Oh yeah... and me. I always feel like I stumble through these interviews, usually at a loss for words as I try to articulate why and how I do what I do. But when I look at it in the context of the article, I guess it's not so bad. Thank God for editing. Anyway, read the story here, or take a look at the entire issue here.