What up, good people? It's time for another Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's reader is Judy Lei, a student at Smith College, who responds with great enthusiasm:
Who are you?
A 20-year-old, second generation Chinese American that is a rising junior at Smith College with a self-designed Asian American Studies major.
What are you?
A fighter. An activist. An aspiring playwright, poet, and writer. A wanna-be actress. A lover (of Pikachu).
Where are you?
At home in Sunset Park, Brooklyn.
Where are you from?
I will always consider myself a Brooklyn kind-of girl, even though I am originally from Ozone Park, Queens in NYC. You can tell that I'm a Brooklyn girl when you hear me say words like "water," "York," or "Shawn."
What do you do?
Currently working for the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (Yea AALDEF!) on their Language Access Community Health Care Project.
Besides being a workaholic, doodling in my sketchbook (I'm a horrible artist), reading with Backstreet Boys music in the background, procrastinating instead of studying, I am a full-time student at Smith College, an all women's college in Northampton, Massachusetts (nowhere near Bawston). While in school, I tend to be a very Angry student (all my thanks goes to AAM!).
In the future, I aspire to become a writer/community organizer in the NYC/SF/LA area (in one city or another), professor or lawyer (when I'm 40+). I want to do a lot, but time is running out! Where's the time machine?
What are you all about?
* Equality and Change.
.. "Power to the People!"
What makes you angry?
1) The NYC Public Education System (actually all big cities' Public Education Systems).
2) People who pick on others (especially because of someone's accent/social/economic status).
3) Police Brutality/Misconduct.
4) People who believe "Racism is dead!"
5) Gentrification.