
eyelid folds, the easy way!

Anyone who is familiar with common Asian beauty regimens is probably familiar with a product like this... sort of a stickier, less-permanent alternative to actual eyelid surgery, I guess. Someone sent me a link to this interesting blog post: Eyelid Gluing for a "Western" Look.

The above video is a makeup tutorial on achieving the fold effect with eyelid glue. Tadaaaa! Instant western eyes. When I watch this video, with all the glueing and poking and prodding, I'm just overcome with the extreme impulse to vigorously rub my eyes.

Over the years, I think I've expressed fairly clearly how I feel about the great lengths people will go to get these precious eyelid folds. Everyone's got the right to look and feel the way they want -- one, two, three eyelid folds, whatever. I just hope they think hard about where their standard of beauty is coming from.

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