
sign aajc's petition for immigration reform

Take a look at the Asian American Justice Center's Petition for Immigration Reform, calling for our elected officials to support the Reuniting Families Act and the broader goals of comprehensive immigration reform.

The letter specifically focuses on the Reuniting Families Act, because family-based immigration is a historically pertinent issue to our communities. The long backlogs and broken immigration system have been keeping Asian American families separated for far too long. Here's the letter:
Dear Elected Official,

I am signing this petition to ask for your vote to reform our country's broken immigration system. In particular, I urge you to protect the ability of U.S. citizens and green card holders to reunite with their loved ones through the family immigration system. The current system forces many legal immigrants to remain apart from their close family members abroad for years and even decades. The family unit is the bedrock of society, and I believe that comprehensive immigration reform that protects family unity reflects our American values. Therefore, I urge you to support the Reuniting Families Act introduced by Senator Menendez in the Senate (S. 1085) and Congressman Honda in the House (H.R. 2709).

Our current family immigration system, which has not been updated in 20 years, is badly in need of repair. Now is the time to do the right thing and fight for practical solutions that benefit all of us. Family reunification is a building block for comprehensive immigration reform, which must also restore due process, provide a pathway to earned legalization, enforce civil rights and labor laws, ensure our citizenship process is accessible and fair, and help new Americans learn English and quickly integrate into our society.

In fixing our broken immigration system, we must recognize that families make America stronger. This reform is about helping legal immigrants unite with their loved ones. Legal immigrants who have the support of strong families are better able to work hard, invest in education and homes, pay taxes, and start businesses that create jobs. Immigrants who have played by the rules and brought their families here are committed to becoming Americans and giving back to this country.

A real American solution is one that keeps families together. Once again, I urge you to support the Reuniting Families Act and comprehensive reform of our immigration system.

Sign and send your own letter here. AAJC's goal is collect at least 1,000 signatures by the end of the summer in order to show lawmakers that Asian Americans do, in fact, care deeply about real immigration reform. Show Congress that immigration reform is not only a Latino issue -- it affects Asian American families too.

A bill concerning comprehensive immigration reform is expected to appear on the floor of the Senate in early September. Thus, AAJC's push to reach their signature goal is an urgent priority. For more information on the Reuniting Families Act, visit the Asian American Justice Center website Asian American Justice Center.

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