
angry reader of the week: aaron ikeda

What is up, good people? It's time for another Angry Reader of the Week, spotlighting you, the very special readers of this website. Over the years, I've been able to connect with a lot of cool folks, and this is a way of showing some appreciation and attention to the people who help make this blog what it is. This week's Angry Reader is actor Aaron Ikeda, affectionately know by Scrubs fans as "Rex."

Who are you?
Aaron Ikeda is my name, Acting (Stupid sometimes) is my game. Currently unemployed working actor (oxymoron) best known as "Rex" on the hit ABC comedy Scrubs. My friends call me "Shredda."

What are you?
3/4 Japanese, 1/4 Korean, 1/16 Dutch or Portuguese... 100% pure Asian. Well, maybe not 100%. Let's say 98% Asian but with the will of a full-blooded Asian American.

Where are you?
Right now? On a beach in the middle of the Pacific sipping Mai Tais. Uhm, seriously... in a dumpy little office situated in the South Bay of Southern California, connected to a modest little house containing me, my wife, my comic books, my action figures, and my two cats Blackie and Bailey.

Where are you from?
Born and raised in Paradise... Honolulu, Hawaii! Brah, we go eat Zippy's... get da kine Saimin! 100% Hawaiian at heart!

What do you do?
Trying to make go of it as a full-time working actor. Sometimes it works and I convince someone that I am good enough to be on their show. Often times not so good; working odd jobs to make ends meet. Ah, the life of an actor... just what my parents dreamed of me doing when they first laid eyes on me... my son... actor! Not doctor, Not lawyer, ACTOR!!! Deal with it!

What are you all about?
Dude, I am a kick back kind of guy that takes things as they come. Somewhat shy when it comes to meeting people for the first time. Creatively, I am a wrecking ball. I blow through at least ten comic books a week!

Acting-wise, I feel there is no character that I can not embody. Portraying Asians in a positive light rather than the stereotypical accented Asian delivery guy/gangster/businessman/liquor store owner. Trying to open up doors for other Asians in the process, just like how some of the greats from our past have done... Pat "Noriyuki" Morita, Jack Soo, and Mako Iwamatsu. Man, we have it easy compared to the road they traveled and because of their sacrifices to the art. I am happy to report that we are making progress with TV shows like Lost and The Mentalist... way to go DDK and Tim Kang! I also don't consider myself a "celebrity" and am actually flattered and humbled when recognized in public. Scrubs fans are the best!

I also love seeing the latest flick, auditioning, reading the latest on Angry Asian Man (shameless plug), petting my cats, surfing El Porto three times a week, Twittering, gardening, chatting with fans on Facebook, going to Dodgers games, playing my Wii, going to Comic Con and visiting the Comic Bug every Wednesday or Thursday, watching Pittsburgh Steelers tackle football, Lakers b-ball, True Blood, Entourage, and Scrubs on TV! Pretty shallow stuff.

What makes you angry?
Inconsiderate people who talk on their cell phones loud enough so that everyone knows they are someone special all the while holding up the order line trying to figure out what they are going to have at McDonalds or Starbucks! Sheesh!

Also... war, racism, injustice, and all those other beauty pageant questions of dis-interest.

Ooooo Banana!

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