
indian american poet/professor racially profiled by police

Came across this ridiculous, infuriating news from earlier this month over at Sepia Mutiny, about Ravi Shankar (uh, not to be confused with the legendary musician), associate professor of English and poet-in-residence at Central Connecticut State University, who was stopped by police, called a racial slur, wrongfully arrested, and held in prison for more than 30 hours: Making A Joke Out Of Justice.
The officer conferred with his partners, then approached with a grin, hand extended as if to shake mine. "Good news," he said, "you passed the Breathalyzer." Then, with perfect comic timing: "The bad news is, there's a warrant out for your arrest." The extended hand reached for my wrist, twisting it behind my back.

Arrest? For what? The officers spun into motion. The back door of the police van slid open, a hand pushed my head down and shoved me in. The officer turned to his partner. "Always a good day when you can bag a sand nigger."

Streaks of streetlight receded into the distance through the slats of the police van's window, a rough jostle over potholes, my hands in the cuffs tightly immobilized behind me. At the 14th Precinct station my wallet was emptied, my shoelaces and belt taken and I was placed in a holding cell.

I hadn't been read my rights or granted a phone call. After an hour my arresting officer returned — but only to take me for a mug shot and digital fingerprinting. Eventually he showed me my arrest warrant. It was for a 5-foot-10, 140-pound white male. I happen to be a 6-foot-2, 200-pound, Indian man. I pointed out the discrepancy. "Tell it to the judge," he said.
Be sure to read the rest, in Shankar's own words. Like I said, it's absolutely infuriating. Here's also a local talk radio interview that aired last week, with Shankar talking about his hellish ordeal: Local Discrimination.

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