
charles k. kao wins nobel prize in physics

Three scientists have won the Nobel Prize in physics for two breakthroughs that led to two major underpinnings of the digital age -- fiber optics and digital photography: 3 win Nobel in physics for digital devices.

Half of the $1.4 million prize went to Charles K. Kao, a British and U.S. citizen, who won for "groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication.

According to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, in 1966, Kao "made a discovery that led to a breakthrough in fiber optics. He carefully calculated how to transmit light over long distances via optical glass fibers."

Today, "optical fibers make up the circulatory system that nourishes our communication society" and "facilitate broadband communication such as the Internet." The awards ceremony will be held in Stockholm on December 10. More here: Nobel Awarded for Advances in Harnessing Light.

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